Thursday, October 9, 2014

Chevron Pattern Abstract Acrylic Painting

Here's the step by step process of how to make the chevron pattern abstract painting using acrylic paint on canvas!
Spread out your paints!

Start laying on the colors you like

Keep adding more colors. To get that faded look you can use a dry brush technique where you use less water to the point where the brush is dry.

Cut painter's tape into even strips. This part was more work than I anticipated!

Carefully arrange the tape. I looked at the photo to help me figure out where to lay it. If you look closely it's not exact but from far away you can't tell. Stores sell different widths of tape as well so you can pick which width you want to use. Mine was fairly narrow so it was a bit more work but I think I like this width for the size canvas I was using.

Paint on the white paint. You might need an extra coat if the paint is not opaque enough (opaque meaning non-translucent). This is where brand line can make a difference. The more expensive Liquitex line called Professional Acrylic Artist Color is more opaque. The cheaper line Liquitex BASICS is more translucent. 

You can let the paint sit for a little while if you'd like but don't wait too long. If you peel it after the paint has dried you run the risk of peeling off some of the paint from the canvas. Peeling it off while it's wet will allow you to have cleaner lines. I waited a little too long for mine so if you look close you will see not all the lines are clean. In the photo you can see me using an knife to lift off enough of the tape off the canvas so I can peel it off neatly. 
Here is the finished work! I think it took maybe 1.5-2 hours. Cutting and arranging the tape took the longest time. My friend and I were doing it as a fun hang out project so it was fun pairing that memory and friendship with the painting!

Here is a close up so you can see the texture a little better. I added some gold in the background which gives the work a little bit of sparkle and depth.

 Despite the bit of effort it took it was fun to take on this little challenge. Every time I start a creative piece, I find myself feeling nervous because of the uncertainty and risk; the uncertainty that it might not turn out as I hoped and the risk of "wasting" my time and materials. That is more of a perfectionist's thinking. :P I am working on valuing more process than product. Hopefully you will too :) Enjoy!

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