Monday, July 16, 2012

Day and Night

 How has your week been? It has been a long work week for me and I finally have some time to post up some entries! :) This entry is about how to create a different feel using the same dress. I'm no guru on the topic of fashion but hopefully it'll give you some ideas on changing up a look of an outfit or at least make you more aware of how what we see affects the way we feel. There are a few pieces of fashion that I love- some being scarves, cardigans, and handbags. I have a variety of scarves that range from light weight to heavy, bright to dark, and plain to patterned. I wore a turquoise dress today. It was a warm sunny day with a light breeze during the day. Towards evening it got cooler as the sun went down so I switched to a warmer scarf and added a light jacket. Here are the two looks that I got by changing up a couple items.

Let's look at the effect of color as well as pattern. The coral/orange scarf felt more appropriate for the day. It matched the sunny weather. I added a bright yellow bracelet to create more visual interest, The scarf and dress are both solid colors (no patterns) and the outfit looks simple. By adding some sparkle with the bold yellow and gold, the outfit seems more complete. It has more energy. There's more to catch our attention. The bold bracelet wasn't necessary for the evening because the pattern and  bright colors of the scarf added enough interest to the outfit. The light color of the jacket contrasted with the color of the dress and scarf, creating another contrast in color and value (dark and light) making the outfit more interesting to look at. If I wore a dark colored jacket such as navy blue or black, it would have taken away from the beauty of the scarf. If I wore a bright colored jacket  such as orange, the outfit would have a whole lot of energy (which could work) but I was going for a more relaxed and subdued look so I went with cream. 

Maybe you'll find some ways to mix and match your outfits :)

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